Digitalization of Business Processes

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland

Study Programme: MSc Business Information Systems

The course is taught by Dr. Andreas Martin, Emanuele Laurenzi and Prof. Knut Hinkelmann.

This module investigates how the digitalisation affects (business) information systems supporting business processes in an enterprise, how an ideal interaction of natural and artificial intelligence in an organisational environment can be achieved, and how cooperation and partnership among humans and technology can result in an adequate business process execution. This investigation is realised by application, implementation and demonstration of real prototypical instantiations. Students work in groups to implement a running process. Teaching is done by few and lectures and ongoing coaching.

This website contains links to material presented by Knut Hinkelmann. The other material is available only for registered students.


  1. Digitalization of Business Processes - Introduction
  2. Collaborative Workflows and Decision Making
  3. Workflow Management Systems (Andreas Martin)
  4. Microservices and Cloud for BPM (Andreas Martin)
  5. Service Integration, Orchestration and Automation (Andreas Martin)
  6. Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots

Powerpoint version of the slides can be provided on request. Please send an Email to